

DOWNLOAD PMMVY FORM 1-A, 1-B, 1-C, form 3, 2-C (Punjabi & English)

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

PMMVY (Pardhan Mantri Matru Vandna Yojna) 
( Punjabi & English )
You will get his scheme or yojna only for your first child birth.
In this Scheme or Yojna  you will get benefits mentioned below:-
  1. At first you will get 1st payment of 1000/- Rs when a lady will get Pregnant .
  2. Second Payment of 2000 Rs. will be given after 6 Months of Pregnancy .
  3. Third and last payment of 2000 Rs. will be given after the birth of child.

Download all 3 Forms (Punjabi) in one Single File by clicking on below download button.


Download Form in English by clicking on below download button.

Form 1-A to claim 1st instalment under PMMVY   

Form 1-A English

Form 1-B to claim 2nd instalment under PMMVY

Form 1-B English

Form 1-C to claim 3rd instalment under PMMVY

Form 1-C English


Contact PMMVY for any query related to PMMVY : 011-23382393



Fund Flow 

a)  Funds under the Scheme will be transferred from MWCD through PFMS in dedicated Escrow Accountmaintained by the State/UT at State/UT level. The State/UT will also credit their respective share to thisEscrow account as per the cost sharing ratio between the Centre and State/UT. The fund available in thededicated Escrow account are meant for transfer to the beneficiaries under the scheme. In no case, thefunds from this account should be diverted for any other purpose. The funds from this account shall betransferred to the beneficiaries through PFMS in DBT mode.
b)  To meet the administrative and other expenditures the funds shall also be transferred by MWCD to theStates/UTs as per schematic norms through PFMS in the State/ UT treasury. The State/UT a fter   creditingtheir  respective  shares  shall  make  it  available  to  the  Department  for smooth  implementation of    thescheme.
c)  The State/UT shall ensure that sufficient fund is maintained in escrow account for making payment to the beneficiaries. 

Escrow Account

a)  To  ensure  dedicated  and  timely  availability  of    funds  to  the  beneficiaries,  without  parking  of    funds  at the  State/UT  level,  States/UTs  shall  maintain  a State/UT  level  Escrow  Account  for the  Scheme.  Thefund transfer from Government of   India and State/UT will be to this account for the further transfer to beneficiary’s account.
b)  The States/UTs a fter opening the Escrow account for PMMVY shall submit the detail to MWCD as perprescribed  format  jointly  signed  by  the  Secretary  concerned  and  the  bank  authority.  The  prescribedformat is at Form 5-A. 
c)  MWCD shall transfer the fund to this dedicated Escrow account.
d)  This  account  is  mandatory  required  to  be  an  escrow  account  and  must  be  opened  in  a bank  as per  instructions  issued by  Ministry  of    Finance  for  banking arrangements  of    the  State/District  LevelImplementing  Agencies  handling Central Sector/  Centrally  sponsored  Schemes  of    various  Ministriesof    Government  of    India  vide  O.M.  No.  S-11012/3(1)  Bank/Ref. Case/2010/RBD/1688-1772  dated10.11.2016 (Annexure I).
e)  For  initiation  of   payment  from  the Escrow account  to  the  beneficiaries,  the  State/UTs  shall appoint  a State/UT level Nodal officer (NO) who will obtain Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) well in advance to process the payment to beneficiaries. The detailed roles and responsibilities of   NO are at Annexure C.  
 f)  Any changes in the authorized signatory must be in conformity with the banking regulations.
 g)  The amount due for payment to the eligible beneficiaries on fulfilment of   conditionalities will be availableto the nodal officer through PMMVY-CAS. To avoid delay, the Nodal officer shall initiate payment to thebeneficiaries at least twice a week.h)The payment to the beneficiaries shall be made on ‘first-in-first-out’ basis. Chapter-5

Sanctioning Authority

a)  In States/UTs where the scheme is being implemented by Department of   Women & Child Development/Social Welfare, CDPO, Anganwadi services shall be the approving authority for payment to be made to the  eligible  beneficiaries  fulfilling  the  conditionalities  of    the  scheme.  He/  She  will be  responsible  forcorrectness of   the list submitted for payment to authority initiating payment at the State/UT level. 
b)  Similarly, in the States/UTs where the scheme is being implemented by H&FW Department, the MO, at Block level shall be the approving authority for payment to be made to the eligible beneficiaries fulfillingthe conditionalities of   the scheme. He/ She will be responsible for correctness of   the list submitted for payment to authority initiating payment at the State/UT level.
 c)  All the payments to the beneficiary shall be made only through the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) mode.d)All  the  payment  will be  initiated  by  the  officer who  is  the  designated  owner  of    the  escrow  accountthrough PFMS.

Disbursement Mechanism

a)  The  State Government/UT  Administration  shall project  the  number  of    prospective  beneficiaries  andtheir requirement of funds and submit it to MWCD by 31st December for the next Financial Year.
b)    On the basis of   the approval, Government of   India will release funds in four quarterly instalments for theimplementation of   the PMMVY to the States/UTs. The first two instalments will be released on notionalbasis and subsequent instalment upon submission of   Statement of   Expenditure by the State/UT basedon the actual expenditure reflected therein.

Financial Provisions

a)  The Government of India funds would be based on the following cost sharing ratio between the Centreand the States/UTs:
All States/UTs (with legislature)60:40
NER and Himalayan States90:10
Union Territories without legislature100% funding by Central Government
b)   Financial provisions under the PMMVY are in Annexure G.  While incurring expenditure the States/UTsshould ensure that the expenditure under various heads should be kept within the prescribed limits...

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